
What is Intense Pulsed (IPL)?

  • Used for cosmetic devices, cameras and auto-spot light - based on the flash lamp (a lamp based on gas discharge between two electrodes)

  • Broad spectrum

  • Divergent light in all directions

  • Treatment appears as a “bright flash of white light”

IPL vs. Laser - The Difference

  • IPL is broad spectrum whereas Laser is narrow spectrum

  • IPL is not ideal for hair removal as the delivery of wavelength and energy is inconsistent whereas Laser can target the hair follicle

  • IPL is excellent for superficial color correction and photo rejuvenation, due to energy being dispersed to target multiple chromophore

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) - How it works

  • Chromophores are molucules in a given material that give the material its color. The chromophore is the target.

  • Wavelenths of 700 and 1000 nm are selectively absorbed by melanin

  • ​​​​​​​Broad spectrum light emitted by IPL is absorbed by melanin in skin and hemoglobin in blood vessels

Red blemished form broken blood vessels and brown spots of pigment from sun damage respond to Intense Pulse Light. The light is changed to heat energy as it reaches to the level of the collagen beneath the skin surface.

How is Lumecca’s IPL by INMODE different from other IPL’s?

  • Lumecca’s wavelength is shifted left to optimize for rejuvenation.

IPL Alternate Therapies

  • Intense pulsed light therapy (IL) has been FDA approved for more than 15 years to treat

  • rosacea and remove superficial skin lesions

  • Commonly used in dermatology practices

  • Ophthalmologist Rolando Toyos, MD, originated the idea of using IPL in eye care after a series of DED patients presented in his office demonstrating improved tear film characteristics without any change in their treatment regimen; all had been treated for rosacea with IPL (Toyos et al.).

  • Increasingly, IPL has been shown to have a positive effect on patients with MGD (Gupta et al., Craig et al.).

IPL For Dry Eyes

  • IPL creates tissue heating and reduces inflammation

  • Penetration depth of IPL light is limited by 2 -3m depending on filtered spectrum

  • Optical safety concern limits intensity level used in periorbital area


LUMECCA-I ensures precise, targeted, spot-size intense pulsed light (IPL) procedures to treat inflammatory conditions in smaller zones.

  • Innovative intense pulsed light delivers targeted energy to small delicate zones such as the periorbital area

  • Small spot-size applicator provides precise procedures to disrupt the inflammatory cycle and symptoms associated with dry eyes

  • High pulse repetition rate of 1pps reduces treatment time:

  • 1 -2 treatments versus 4-6 treatments with standard IPL's

  • Optimized for light and darker skin tones (HIV)

  • In-office, nonsurgical, therapeutic procedure

  • Advanced xenon flash emits up to 3X more energy in the 500-600 m range

  • improving efficacy on vascular and pigmented lesions

LUMECCA-I : Mechanism of Action

  • Light energy reduces inflammation

  • Light wavelength is selectively absorbed by

  • telangiectatic blood vessels, which coagulates them

  • Rosacea often is linked to inflammatory process

  • IPL reduces the load of demodex mites that

  • stimulate infection

  • Light energy stimulates collagen synthesis in fibroblasts and motility in immunoregulatory cells

  • IPL treatment indirectly interrupts the dry eye

  • inflammation cycle by reducing the

  • osmolarity of the tear film to normal levels

Roya1234 none 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Closed Closed optometrist # # #